1976 IHCRC formed after a survey revealed medical needs of Tulsa’s Indians were not being met. IHCRC was initially organized under the umbrella of the Native American Coalition of Tulsa. Beginning with a staff of four employees, the first health care services for outreach and referral services were provided via a contract with the Indian Health Service (IHS).
1977 Direct health care was first offered. IHCRC moved from 31st and Sheridan to Eighth and Denver. The WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) supplemental food and nutrition program was added via contract with the Cherokee Nation.
1978 IHCRC was incorporated as an Oklahoma non-profit organization at the recommendation of the Health Committee of the Native American Coalition Board.

Early staff

Cincinnati Building

Early staff
1979 IHCRC moved to 915 S. Cincinnati. This two-story, 12,000 foot building was built in the 1930s as a medical clinic.
1980 Indian Family Services (Indian Child Welfare), “family break-up” prevention services, and mental health services were first offered.
1981 Dental care was added to the health care scope as was a Community Gardening program, emphasizing nutrition education and economic self-sufficiency.
1982 Computerization arrived and quality assurance programs were initiated.
1983 An adolescent component was added to Indian Family Services. Visual acuity screenings were offered for the first time.
1984 Early Childhood Development program was added to Indian Family Services. Diabetes education classes began and a volunteer program was established. Outpatient alcoholism counseling began.
1985 Mental health services became a full-time program. IHCRC developed a national model program for high-risk Indian adolescents. A substance abuse group began meeting on a weekly basis.
1986 Radiology equipment was installed to allow X-ray services on site.
1987 Optometry and hearing services were added. Fetal alcohol syndrome counseling and prevention services were added and the Indian Family Services program was expanded to include a Child Court Advocate.
1988 Behavioral Health Department added outpatient chemical dependency counseling, temporary child placement, and adolescent self-esteem programs.
1989 HIV counseling and community education program was added, and the adolescent self-esteem model was selected as a State model program.
1990 After operating for many years with only a dispensary for medications, IHCRC opened an in-house, state-licensed pharmacy. Mammography services became available. IHCRC received an Administration for Native American grant to promote economic development opportunities in the Indian community.
1991 The first Dance of the Two Moons was held.
1992 IHCRC Economic Development department established the American Indian Entertainment business venture, generating revenues for IHCRC and providing jobs for local American Indians. The first of two Tallasi Winter Art Festivals was held.
1995 In cooperation with national health program initiatives, IHCRC secured a number of grants to expand childhood immunization efforts, HIV education, women’s health services, and youth leadership programs. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority launched the new SoonerCare program.
1996 IHCRC joined Tulsa’s Community HealthNet Consortium as a founding member.
1997 IHCRC received a five-year grant from the IHS to prevent, reduce, or treat the family stressors that lead to child abuse, neglect, and family violence. A full-time case manager was added to the prenatal program in a partnership program supported by Healthy Start grant.
1998 Diabetes prevention program was expanded with the benefit of a national, multi-year grant from the IHS. Construction of a new facility commenced with a groundbreaking ceremony.
1999 IHCRC moved to its current location at Sixth and Peoria. The new facility accommodated all of IHCRC’s services under one roof in a wheelchair-accessible single-story structure.
2000 REACH physical education program began.
2001 Health Education and Wellness Department established. IHCRC celebrates its 25th anniversary.
2002 Achieved accreditation from Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
2003 IHCRC began acquiring property to the west for future campus expansion.
2004 Pharmacy added a robotic automation dispensing system. Indian Youth Program was established. IHCRC was re-accredited by the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
2005 “Heart Savers” cardiovascular disease risk reduction demonstration project began. IHCRC’s satellite office on Main Street was opened to accommodate overflow of services due to shortage of space in main clinic.
2006 Dental department upgraded to utilize electronic medical records and digital imaging systems.
2007 Completed Phase I (Part 1) of campus expansion with construction of Employee Parking lot to the west of the clinic. The first Annual Restoring Harmony Powwow was held. We were again re-accredited by AAAHC.
2008 Medical Department became “Reach Out and Read” partners to promote early childhood reading. Facility Expansion Team completed design for future building expansion. The first Annual Teddy Bear Clinic was held.
2009 Phase I (Part 2) Expansion of campus began with groundbreaking ceremony for major facility expansion and renovation project. Health Education and Wellness Department began “Tulsa Healthy Lifestyles” program.
2010 Converted diagnostic imaging equipment from film-based system to a fully digital X-ray and mammography system. Re-accredited by AAAHC.
2011 Completed expansion and renovation project, doubling the size of facility, and integrating all services back to the main campus. IHCRC began implementation of Electronic Health Records.
2012 “The Healer” sculpture was installed at the facility entrance. IHCRC launched the Drive-Thru Flu Clinic. Pharmacy added a second robotic automation dispensing system.
2013 “Games Along the Way,” a sister sculpture piece to “The Healer,” was installed. Medicine Wheel Park was dedicated. Implemented the Patient Centered Medical Home model of care called Improving Patient Care Made Simple (IPCMS). Re-accredited by AAAHC and received our Medical Home Accreditation from AAAHC.
2014 Remodel of the Medical Services area to accommodate “pods” for a more efficient and effective use of our IPC care teams.
2015 Celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the Dance of the Two Moons. IHCRC purchased additional property adjacent to our current property to plan for future expansion.
2016 IHCRC celebrated 40 years of service for Tulsa's Native American community. Re-accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
2018 IHCRC Dance of the Two Moons won the 2018 Tulsa People Readers Choice Award for Best Nonprofit Event.
2019 Reaccredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). Winner of the 2019 Best Places to Work in Oklahoma award. IHCRC Dance of the Two Moons won the Tulsa People Readers Choice Award for Best Nonprofit Event.
2020 Winner of the 2020 Best Places to Work in Oklahoma award. IHCRC celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Dance of the Two Moons. IHCRC added telehealth services. IHCRC Dance of the Two Moons won the Tulsa People Readers Choice Award for Best Nonprofit Event.
2021 Received a multi-million dollar grant from the United Health Foundation to start a Geriatric program. Celebrated the 45th work anniversary of our CEO, Carmelita Skeeter. Expanded our Youth Programming. Launched the IHCRC App for easy access to information.
2022 Winner of the 2022 Best Places to Work in Oklahoma award. IHCRC moved our annual Powwow location and had the largest attendance ever at over 1500 people. IHCRC won the Tulsa People Readers Choice Awards for Best Non-Profit Event, Dance of the Two Moons, and the Best Wellness Programming. Reaccredited by AAAHC.
2024 Winner of the 2024 Best Places to Work in Oklahoma award.